Complaints and Claims

Customer Service

TRANS FAST FINANCIAL SERVICES, S.A., has a Customer Service Department (hereinafter “SAC”) which is responsible for dealing with queries, and resolving complaints and claims submitted by its customers, in relation to their interests and legally recognised rights.

You may exercise your right to submit your query, complaint or claim, by completing the Form that we can provide:

– At the Entity’s Headquarters at the address: Calle Batalla del Salado, 25 CP.: 28045 Madrid

– Through the Offices of the Network of Agents where the query, complaint or claim has originated CLICK HERE

– By email or through this web portal.


MONDAY TO FRIDAY: 9:00 A.M. TO 8:30 P.M.

SATURDAY: 10:00 AM TO 8:30 PM


Once the complaint has been processed by the means provided above and the response has not been satisfactory for you or if a period of one (01) month has elapsed since the complaint was submitted to the Customer Service (SAC) of TRANS FAST FINANCIAL SERVICES, S.A. without having received a response, and have exhausted the route of our Customer Service Department.

You may contact the Bank of Spain’s Market Conduct and Complaints Department to make complaints and claims to them, at the following address:

Market Conduct and Complaints Department

Postal Address:

Bank of Spain

C/ Alcalá 48 28014 Madrid

Telephone: 900 54 54 54 / 91 338 8830


Monday to Friday (except public holidays in Madrid capital), telephone service from 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Through its Electronic Office at the following URL:

Resolution period:

  • Consumer claims: 90 days from the time the file is completed.
  • Non-consumer claims: four months from the time of filing.
  • Consultations: one month from the presentation.

For more information, please consult the Customer Service Regulations. CLICK HERE

TRANS FAST FINANCIAL SERVICES, S.A. has a Customer Service Regulation (SAC), which contains the formal procedures for the submission, processing and resolution of complaints and claims. The document is available to customers at the Offices of the Entity’s Agent Network. CLICK HERE



Claims that reveal, with the aim of obtaining the restitution of their interest or right, specific facts relating to actions or omissions of the financial institutions supervised by the Bank of Spain that entail, for the person making them, a detriment to their interests or rights and that derive from alleged breaches by the entities complained of, of the regulations on transparency and customer protection or of good financial practices and uses.

Complaints about delays, neglect or any other type of deficient performance observed in the operation of financial institutions supervised by the Bank of Spain.

Consultations relating to issues of general interest on the rights of users of financial services in terms of transparency and protection of banking customers, or on the legal channels for the exercise of such rights.

Management of the additional information received to complete the necessary documentation in order to transfer the file to the entity. Receipt of the entity’s allegations. Any other documentation that is received to be incorporated into the file in each of the procedures.

Source: Bank of Spain

Main applicable regulations.

Royal Decree-Law 19/2018, of 23 November, on payment services and other urgent measures in financial matters.

Royal Decree 736/2019, of 20 December, on the legal regime of payment services and payment institutions.

Order ECE/1263/2019, of 26 December, on transparency of the conditions and information requirements applicable to payment services and amending Order ECO/734/2004, of 11 March, on customer service departments and services and the customer ombudsman of financial institutions, and Order EHA/2899/2011, of 28 October, on transparency and protection of banking services customers.

Law 7/2017, of 2 November, which incorporates Directive 2013/11/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 21 May 2013, on alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes, into Spanish law.

Order ECC/2502/2012, of 16 November, which regulates the procedure for submitting complaints to the complaints services of the BdE, the CNMV and the DGSyFP (entry into force on 22 May 2013)

Articles 29 and 30 of Law 44/2002 of 22 November 2002 on measures to reform the financial system.